The 75th movie of Telugu here Jagapathi Babu titled " Swagatham" is launched on July 1st morning at Annapoorna Studios, Hyderabad. Made on Aditya Ram Movies banner (with Aditya Ram as producer), it has story, dialogues and direction by Dasarath. Music is by RP Patnaik. Anushka and Bhumika are the heroines.
Union Minister Dasari Narayana Rao clapped the muhurat shot on the lead characters (Jagapathi Babu, Anushka and Bhumika), While camera was switched on by movie mughal Dr. D. Rama Naidu, with first shot direction by K. Raghavendra Rao.
Addressing a press meet, hero Jagapathi Babu said that it was his long-pending desire to act with Bhumika and it became a reality with this film. Saying that it was his 75th film, he thanked his parents, fans producers and directors for all his success in his career. He said he is confident of the movie's success. Thanks to Dasarath's skillful project.
RP Patnaik said there is going to be six songs with a couple of bits. " All the songs are situational. The audio and the movie would sure become hilts".
Anushka said she liked the way how Dasarath explained the story to her. " I really enjoy working with good artiste like Jagapathi Babu and my co-star Bhumika". Bhumika said that she felt thrulled to know that it was Jagapathi Babu's dream to work with her. She expressed hope that the film would entertain all in a good manner.
Dasarath said the story is a perfect fit for Jagapathi Babu. Glamour and romance are going to be the highlights of the film without any scope for vulgarity. At the same time, sentiment is given superb footage in the script, he added.
The cast of the film includes Sarath Babu, Brahmanandam, Sunil, MS Narayana, Dharamvarapu, Mallikarjuna Rao, Benarjee, Raghu babu and others. Screenply is by Gopi Mohan, cinematography by Ramesh babu. Project coordination is by Bhageeratha.